Fast Photo (2024)

Fast Photo documents the interaction of several technical devices – an automobile, a radar station, and a camera. The camera is triggered by a radar and takes a photograph of a speeding car. The only purpose is the identification of car and driver. There is no photographer involved and there are no aesthetic considerations; it represents the photographic process in its crudest form, the exact opposite of haute photographie. The “price” of a fast photo – the ticket paid by the car’s driver – stands in inverse proportion to its low photographic quality.

Ongoing series, pigment ink prints (20 x 15 cm each), open edition
A catalogue is available in the series of white books.

Road Trip USA

A Volkswagen T1 camper van on a road trip down the US West coast from the Canadian border to Southern California and back again. A painter churned out pictures of this adventure, showing the car so many dreamt of more than half a century ago at various locations along the way. Vroom vroom!
digital print, colour
14.8 x 10.5 cm, 80 pages
softcover, sewn
100 copies
16 €

Art Peace China Daily

In springtime 2018 I spent a few weeks inside the modern world’s dystopian dream, living under constant video surveillance and being identified by face recognition software wherever I went. The authorities aim to control everybody and everything with an ever-growing number of cameras. The daily paper informed me of whatever anomalies the omnipresent cameras recorded and also what had escaped them. Art Peace China Daily is the report of my sojourn in this country.
digital print, b/w
14.8 x 10.5 cm, 72 pages
softcover, perfect bound
100 copies
16 €

Viaggio in Italia

A notional journey through Italy based on maps, memory, and postcards.
2015 by P420 Arte Contemporanea, Bologna
digital print, colour
23.5 x 16.5 cm, 68 pages
softcover, sewn
200 copies
ISBN 978-88-98476-07-7
20 copies with an enclosed postcard, numbered and signed

Viaggio in Italia (2015)

A notional journey through Italy based on maps, memory, and postcards. The images are derived from postcards collected during various trips through Italy between 1989 and 2015.
An artist book of the same name was published by P420 Arte Contemporanea on the occasion of an exhibition in Bologna in 2015.
Eight pigment ink prints, 40 x 30 cm each, edition of 3 copies + 1 AP


Thirty-two photographs of spoons that I collected over twenty-five years of traveling (1983–2008).
This book was first published in 2010. The second edition is colour instead of black and white and re-designed in a different format.
second edition 2015
digital print, colour
14.8 x 10.5 cm, 72 pages
softcover, sewn
100 copies
20 € (last copies)

Around the World in Eighty Minutes

A World Expo may have made sense a century ago but since the invention of television the idea seems obsolete. In Shanghai, China, the basic premise is to wait in lines; incredibly long lines. Occasionally, a speaker system announces three hours waiting time for this pavilion, seven hours here, five hours there. Queuing for hours to visit something I never wanted to see is not my idea of fun. Yet here I am, with a group of students I’m obliged to accompany, watching our tour guide hand out hats to make sure we look as ridiculous as every other tour group. Fortunately, it isn’t long before I lose them but what do you do in a world exhibition filled with several hundred thousand Chinese? Over a cup of coffee I forge a plan: Around the World in Eighty Minutes.
The plan is to walk around the site without entering a single pavilion. In front of each pavilion, I take a self-portrait in the style of the modern tourist: camera at arm’s length with the attraction behind me. “I was there,” the picture says. So I don my hat and begin the journey, visiting about eighty countries and spending only a minute in each without even pausing to examine the pictures. I miss a country or two, but that’s to be expected when you travel in a rush.
This book was first published in 2011. The original print-on-demand edition is discontinued and replaced by this edition.
digital print, colour
14.8 x 10.5 cm, 180 pages
softcover, sewn
100 copies

Souvenirs (2010)

Photographs of spoons collected over twenty-five years of traveling.
Courtesy of Air France · British Airways · British Midland Airways · Café de Flore, Paris · Café New York, Budapest · Continental Airlines · Delta Air Lines · Iberia · KLM · KLM UK · Lufthansa · Mitropa · Museum of Modern Art, New York · Nola’s in Tiergarten, Berlin · Olympic Airlines · Orbis Grand Hotel, Łódź · Radisson Béke Hotel, Budapest · Savoy Hotel, Luxor · Schlosshotel im Grunewald, Berlin · Swissair · TAP Air Portugal · Tate Modern, London · Türk Hava Yollari · Varig (1983 – 2008).
Thirty-two c-prints, 13 x 18 cm each, edition of 3 copies + 1 AP

Authentic Replica

Twelve pictures based on Madonna Inn postcards found in 1994 – pictures based on postcards based on authentic photographs of replicas of diverse places gathered in one location on the coast of California.
2014 (the 2012 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 16 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €


Twelve pictures based on photographs from travel brochures found in 2002. This series takes you to Postcardland where happy couples gather under a perfectly blue sky and enjoy the beach, the pool, a cocktail, a dinner, a sunset, and a hotel room.
2014 (the 2012 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 16 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €

Around the World in Eighty Minutes

A World Expo may have made sense a century ago but since the invention of television the idea seems obsolete. In Shanghai, China, the basic premise is to wait in lines; incredibly long lines. Occasionally, a speaker system announces three hours waiting time for this pavilion, seven hours here, five hours there. Queuing for hours to visit something I never wanted to see is not my idea of fun. Yet here I am, with a group of students I’m obliged to accompany, watching our tour guide hand out hats to make sure we look as ridiculous as every other tour group. Fortunately, it isn’t long before I lose them but what do you do in a world exhibition filled with several hundred thousand Chinese? Over a cup of coffee I forge a plan: Around the World in Eighty Minutes.
The plan is to walk around the site without entering a single pavilion. In front of each pavilion, I take a self-portrait in the style of the modern tourist: camera at arm’s length with the attraction behind me. “I was there,” the picture says. So I don my hat and begin the journey, visiting about eighty countries and spending only a minute in each without even pausing to examine the pictures. I miss a country or two, but that’s to be expected when you travel in a rush.
print on demand, colour
20 x 13 cm, 178 pages
softcover, perfect bound
open edition (discontinued in 2015)


Thirty-two photographs of spoons that I collected over twenty-five years of traveling (1983–2008).
digital print, b/w
9.5 x 13 cm, 40 pages
softcover, perfect bound
50 copies

Bilder von der Straße

Bilder von der Straße (Pictures from the Street) is a thirty-year project which began in 1982 and ended in 2012. During this time I picked up one thousand lost or abandoned photographs from the world’s pavements. Although the collection has been exhibited widely, this is the first time it is printed as a complete set. Published in four volumes, the books present every found photograph or its fragments in their original size and in the chronological order they were discovered. No artistic intervention has taken place except for the inclusion of the date and location where each picture was found. As well as providing a record of my travels, the books document people’s use and abuse of photographs, with almost all the photographs in the collection depicting people and more than half of these being ripped or defaced in some way.
This act of discarding or destroying individual photographs seems to point to a desire to eliminate memories of specific moments in people’s lives. By encouraging viewers to imagine the stories of the people depicted, the project raises questions about the emotionally-charged events that could warrant such destruction. I consider this collection to be a social documentary consisting of both visual artefacts and human documents. Produced in a systematic manner, it is an inventory of lost photographs and memories that hint at the mysteries of people’s private lives and at their attempts to document and destroy them.
2012 (the 2009 Blurb edition is discontinued)
print on demand, colour
29.7 x 21 cm, 4 volumes in a box, 256 pages each
softcover, perfect bound
open edition
240 €


Arcana is a series of photographs made from discarded and damaged negatives that have been collected over a long period of time from many cities. These abandoned images have either been rejected or lost by their original owners. Removed from their original context and scratched by the streets they were dropped on, we are given a rare, altered glimpse into the everyday lives of strangers. There is a kind of violence in the degraded objects these negatives have become, but also a beauty. The book includes the entire series of 45 photographs.
2014 (the 2009 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 48 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €

A meeting on holiday

A postcard book with 48 perforated cards based on imagery provided by international holiday resort operators. The book takes you to Postcardland where happy couples gather under a perfectly blue sky and enjoy the beach, the pool, a cocktail, a dinner, a sunset, and a hotel room.
2004 in collaboration with KesselsKramer and NEROC’VGM in Amsterdam
offset, colour
21 x 15 cm, 56 pages
softcover, perfect bound
2,500 copies
24 €

Authentic Replica (2012)

The series Authentic Replica is based on a collection of Madonna Inn postcards found in 1994. A selection of these postcards became part of Archiv. Another selection was published in bookform as Borrowed / Replicated in 2012 as a part of the ABCED collection.
Twelve pigment ink prints, 30 x 40 cm on 40 x 50 cm paper, edition of 3 copies + 1 AP
A catalogue is available in the series of white books.

Meetings (2003/2007)

The series Meetings was originally made for the book A meeting on holiday. Based on imagery provided by international holiday resort operators, the images take you to Postcardland where happy couples gather under a perfectly blue sky and enjoy the beach, the pool, a cocktail, a dinner, a sunset, and a hotel room
Twelve pigment ink prints, 30 x 40 cm on 40 x 50 cm paper, edition of 3 copies + 1 AP
A catalogue is available in the series of white books.

Sinterklaas ziet alles (1998)

Sinterklaas ziet alles was realized as part of PhotoWork(s) in Progress II/Constructing Identity, commissioned by Mondriaan Stichting and Nederlands Foto Instituut Rotterdam. The project consists of 180 stacks of index cards (offset print) in postcard racks.
The complete set of 180 index cards is available as a boxed set.

Arcana (1985–2004)

^ Berlin, April 1986

^ Madrid, February 1992

^ Cambridge, March 1992

^ Lisbon, March 1993

Prints made from found negatives.
20 b/w photographs, 34 x 39 cm on 40 x 45 cm paper, printed in 1996
45 b/w pigment ink prints, 20 x 23 cm on 23 x 27 cm paper, printed in 2008, edition of 3 copies + 1 AP
10 b/w pigment ink prints, 34 x 39 cm on 40 x 45 cm paper, printed in 2014, edition of 3 copies + 1 AP

A catalogue is available in the series of white books.