
E is the most commonly used letter in many languages including Dutch, English, French, and German. Writing a few sentences without an E is difficult, and writing an entire book without one single E seems impossible. With La Disparition, Georges Perec did exactly that. E-Book is its counterpart with E being the only letter that shows up on its pages. The book’s layout is based on a letter written to Elisabeth Tonnard. The words of the letter remain invisible but every E is included in the form of a photograph.
The various Ees were photographed between January and October 2015 in Amsterdam, Berlin, Weimar, Florence, Venice, Leerdam, Middelburg, New York, Ravenna, ’s-Hertogenbosch, and Rotterdam.
E-Book is printed on paper, a digital version is not available.
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 120 pages
softcover with stamped dust jacket, sewn
100 copies